Get started with Panda
Panda is a styling engine that generates styling primitives to author atomic CSS and recipes in a type-safe and readable manner.
Panda combines the developer experience of CSS-in-JS and the performance of atomic CSS. It leverages static analysis to scan your JavaScript and TypeScript files for JSX style props and function calls, generating styles on-demand (aka Just-in-Time)
TLDR; Panda is a CSS-in-JS engine that generates atomic CSS at build time (via CLI or PostCSS)
General Guides
Panda CLI: The simplest and fastest way to use Panda is with the Panda CLI tool.
Using PostCSS: Installing Panda as a PostCSS plugin is the most seamless way to integrate it with build tools like webpack, Rollup, Vite, and Parcel.
Framework Guides
Starting using Panda CSS in your framework JavaScript framework using our framework-specific guides that cover our recommended approach.
Next Steps
Get familiar with the core features and concepts in Panda.
You can use the online playground (opens in a new tab) to get a taste of what Panda can do.
- See the live results of your JSX code
- Inspect what panda can extract using static analysis from your code
- Preview at the statically generated